If a picture is worth a thousand words then this weeks video is worth even more. A nice big halibut kicked Saturday evening off followed by some excellent late sand bass fishing.
The bass bite took off around 10:30pm and took place mostly in the bow of the Enterprise. Anglers worked together with several of the folks on board taking their limits.
The weather looks great for tonight and Saturday night so come out and join us. When you book with Phil by texting or calling 424 237 0250, you get more raffle tickets to win some great prizes as well as future discounts and lots more.
Enjoy the video and I hope to see you out on a Fishing with Phil Trip really soon.
"FISHING with PHIL Trips.
Text of call Phil to join us this Friday or Saturday night!
424 237 0250
Book with Phil for more raffle tickets and future discounts
424 237 0250
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Rumor-- watch {Will certainly Have|Can Have|May Have|Will Play} A Substantial role In Any Organization
Posted by: G-501D-1AJF | 08/29/2013 at 01:58 PM