Photo: File photo of some African Penguins just like Buddy and Pedro, the two gay birds separated in the Toronto Zoo. Credit: Wikipedia
Conservatives are cheering the end of of an openly gay bromance between two African penguins in a Toronto zoo named Buddy and Pedro. While their relationship was never sexual, some thought their public display of affection might give children the wrong idea.
The two penguins had been seen grooming one another, swimming together and braying at one another in their cozy love nest. Late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel described the love affair as "Brokeback Iceberg" and claimed the pair had been spotted at a Lady Gaga concert.
Then the zoo decided to separate the two lovebirds because they belonged to an endangered species and needed to mate.
That prompted an angry response from several gay groups who were upset that the two birds would not be allowed to continue their loving relationship. The gay news site Queerty accused the zoo of forcing the couple into the "patriarchal sex-trade industry" while rumors had it that Michele Bachmann was trying to pray the gay out of the promiscuous penguins.
In a heartbreaking development for Pedro, Buddy has dumped his former love interest for a female partner named Farai. Pedro has for the moment been courting females but no takers so far. Love just stinks sometimes.
Scientists say that when a female shows up, it often spells the end to same-sex male bonds in penguins and many other animals. One can only hope that in the end, there will be no tragic Romeo and Juliet kind of tragic ending. Rather, many are hoping that the two birds may find true happiness and love. After all, every penguin deserves at least that much in life.
There's no such thing as a 'gay bromance,' even for penguins. It would have to be a gay romance.
Posted by: Dave P. | 11/07/2013 at 03:26 PM